
Kalguli- An amazing guli which gives you a kal (Hindi) or makes you a kallu at mindset.

Long long ago, so long ago, that long ago that nobody can imaginnu…….

Bheema on the cart with many vessels filled with variety of food, eating one-by-onnu….I meanu the fooddu…Noww, Bheema came to the forestu, from the wonderful Ekachakranagar city, with lot of eating and travellingu, he was tired and suffering from gastric problemmu….

Bakasura’s, father’s, brother’s, son’s , friend’s, wife’s, mother’s, brother’s, assistant’s - daughter came into rescue by preparing the “divyoushadhi”, by taking neem leaves, thodasa kallu, swalpa gasagase payasa, konjum puliyogare, and then a bisshu (sweat), and a pitchu (spits), and she mixes, rotates, roller coasters and does everthinggu, makes it golgol and names it as Kalguli.

Bheema took this kalguli with lot of water from the nearby riverru. He became so powerful that he uprooted the trees, fought with the demonnu and ripped him appartu….

So, eat Kalguli, be extra strongu….it increases tann ki shakthi

Some long ago, when nobody wants to be asked the history of what long ago,

Akkbar, came to the Rajput Palace at Amer and he was invited to a Rajputana food. The food in the large plate was fantastic and he ate fully fullu. After eatingu, his paet-me started Gudbuddu, soon from somewhere, the Amer Raja’s putri, Jyodha comes to rescue and gives him this ondaanondu kaalada chamatkaari Kalguli. Akbar takes it and is amazed of her care-taking skillsu. He asks Amer raja for her Handu.

So, eat Kalguli, be extra aimingu, it also increases mann ki shakthi

Long ago, not so long ago, in the Sholay sequence-u,

Gabbar enters the scene, with three people standing near the ramanagar betta,
Gabbar says “Soovar ke bacchoon” with a very prabhudeva style posu,
He had just eaten a very heavy mealu. He gets a severe abdominal pain….thennu, our Kaalia realizessu, that he has got a “Kalguli”, he gives him thattu, ssooonu Gabbar is dancing and suddenly a…dichkyon, aa…dichkyon, aaa..dichkyon, three shotssss, kaalia and team diesssss, and there is silencessssssss.

So, eat Kalguli, be extra powerfullu…..

Just recentu,

When Mittal and Archedor were in a meetingu, Mittal was sounding low in the tone, our Archedor chief told his Indian assistant to bring that powerful Kalguli, he takes it and then he proposes acquisition of Archedor.

So, eat Kalguli, be extra conqueringgu, it makes you to overpower others….

© Sanjeev Koushik, 2007

1 comment:

arpana said...

definelty awesome dude :)